Valley of Columbia,
Orient Of South Carolina
Columbia Consistory
Chartered 20 October 1921
Ceremony and Official Degrees
Thirty-First and Thirty-Second Degrees
2023 Officers
Master of Kadosh (E) Acy Flora, 33°
Prior (E) Ian Strickland, 32° KCCH
Preceptor (E) Robert Berends, 33°
Chancellor (E) Andrew Hermann, 32°
Minister of State (E) Harold Branham, 33°
Prelate (A) Alex Roberts, 32° KCCH
Marshall of Ceremonies (A) Jeff Hall, 33°
Expert (A) Julian Bevel 32°
Assistant Expert (A) Ken Rector, 32°
Captain of the Guard (A) John Bowker, 32
Tiler (A) Scotty Austin, 32°
Almoner (E) Harold Branham, 33°
Treasurer (A) by Deputy Ronald C. Mitchum, 33°
Registrar (A) by Deputy William F. Campbell 33°