Valley of Columbia,
Orient Of South Carolina
Will Chester Plant Chapter
Knights Rose Croix
Chartered 22 October 1919
Historical and Religious Degrees
Fifteenth through Eighteenth Degree
2023 Officers
Wise Master (E) Robert Berends, 33°
Senior Warden (E) Richard Valentine, 32° KCCH
Junior Warden (E) Ron Dailey, 32° KCCH
Orator (E) Bob Groomes, 32°
Master of Ceremonies (A) Steven Gassen, 33°
Expert (A) Ron Lockaby, 32°
Assistant Expert (A) Dan Hart, 32° KCCH
Standard Bearer (A) Danny Able, 32°
Guardian of the Temple (A) Kyle Smathers, 32°
Tyler (A) Scotty Austin, 32°
Almoner (E) Harold Branham, 33°
Treasurer (A) by Deputy Ronald C. Mitchum, 33°
Secretary (A) by Deputy William F. Campbell, 33°