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                Interested In Becoming A Scottish Rite Mason?


Scottish Rite of Freemasonry


If you are already a Mason, you may wish to petition for Scottish Rite membership to receive additional instruction and explanation regarding the allegory and symbolism learned in the Masonic Lodge as an expansion and enhancement of your Masonic career.  The Scottish Rite bodies elaborate on the basic tenets of Freemasonry.  You can, of course, ask a Scottish Rite Mason for a petition.  Or, you can CLICK HERE and fill out the Membership Request form.  Express your interest in becoming a Scottish Rite Mason, and this form will be routed to the closest Scottish Rite Valley in your area.  




Masonic Lodge 


                       You say you are not a Mason.  Well read on!  


What is the Purpose of Freemasonry?


The purpose of Freemasonry is to build character.  Our Masonic duty is to develop the highest quality within us.  To reach this end, we  must have knowledge of the goal and the pathway by which it may be obtained.  The time honored method of teaching in our fraternity is through a system of degrees by which a fuller understanding of Masonic concepts is developed.



What are the qualifications for Masonic Membership?  


Freemasonry is proud of its philosophy and practice of making good men better.  Only individuals believed to be of the finest character  are elected to receive the Degrees of Masonry.  Members of the Masonic Fraternity practice a sincere belief in the fatherhood of God  and the brotherhood of man.  They are patriots who respect the laws of their country.  The minimum age for membership is 18 years.


What kind of individuals are Members of Masonic Lodges?  


One of the most fascinating aspects of Freemasonry has always been that so many men of varied religions and from virtually every  walk of life can meet together, begin and end their meetings with prayer, conduct their proceedings in peace, harmony and friendship  and call each other "brother."


What is a Masonic Lodge?  


The heritage of Masonry in America began in the colonies (Boston, MA) on 30 July 1733.  The Masonic Lodge (or Blue Lodges) meets  once per month, to conduct its regular business and vote upon Application for Degrees.  This is called the Stated Meeting.  It usually  includes a program and may be preceded by a dinner or followed by refreshments.  Once elected, an applicant will receive the 1st, 2nd,  and 3rd Degrees at separate specially scheduled meetings.  It is here where the principals of Freemasonry are taught.  These meetings  are supplemented by an active and diversified Lodge social calendar, which will involve the applicant, his lady, their children and  friends.  Masonry is not just for men only.  Within the variety of Masonic organizations, there are several designed for the benefit of our  ladies as well as our youth.  Several of the organizations are more socially oriented than the Blue Lodge, but it is the ritual of the Blue  Lodge (where the first Three Degrees of Masonry are conferred) which links all Masons together through a worldwide, indissoluble  chain of brotherly love.  The individual Blue Lodges dispense charity in many ways within their own communities, while the Grand  Lodge of South Carolina maintains the Masonic many different charity i.e. the Grand Master of South Carolina choose his favorite charity, where all the lodge donated to his charity, plus others near them, of course do all we can for Shires Hospital for children in Greenville South Carolina.  Nationwide, Masons  contribute nearly two million dollars per day to charitable causes.



How do I contact a Masonic Lodge?  


If you are not a member of the Masonic fraternity, remember that Freemasonry is the oldest, largest, and most widely known fraternal  organization in the world.  It dates back hundreds of years to when stonemasons and other craftsmen on building projects gathered in  shelter houses or lodges.  Through the years these gatherings changed in many ways until formal Masonic lodges emerged, with  members bound together, not by trade, but by their own wishes to be fraternal brothers.  Application to become a Mason begins with  your local Masonic Lodge and may be made in a number of ways.



1.       Masonic Lodges are usually listed in the "Fraternal Orders" section of your "Yellow Pages" telephone directory.  To start the  process, all you have to do is ask.  In most states, members are not allowed to ask you to become a Mason.  Thus, you must do  the asking.  Just call the Lodge closest to you.  If there is no response, call again.  Lodges do not always have a person available to  answer the phone, and there may not be an answering machine.  Most Lodges meet in the early evening hours on a weekday.   Try calling between 6:00 and 7:30 PM.

2.       Or, of course, you can drop a note addressed to Secretary at the Lodge address listed in the telephone book.  Also, you can  just ask someone you know to be a Mason or ask a man wearing a Masonic pin or other Masonic identification.  Usually, it is a  Square and Compasses (see above right).

3.       Or, you can CLICK HERE to find the Masonic Lodge and map from your current, (or any), location within south Carolina to the  nearest south Carolina Lodge. Their address and telephone number.

4.       Once you have expressed an interest, a few members of the Lodge will arrange to visit you at home at your mutual  convenience.  This gives you and your family an opportunity to ask questions and to find out if Freemasonry is for you and your  family.  Let's hope it is, since Masonry can be a real benefit to you personally and to your family.

5.       Generally, you will be asked to fill out a form, called a petition, which is then signed by Masons who have met or know you  and recommend you. The petition is shared with the other Lodge members who then vote on your membership.

6.       After that, you will receive further instruction and participate, possibly with other candidates for membership, in three  introductory ceremonies, called Degrees, at the Lodge.  These explain Freemasonry and give you the opportunity to experience  the Lodge's tradition and fellowship. Everything is dignified. You are not joining a college fraternity where hazing might take place.   Rather, you are joining the oldest, largest fraternal organization in the world.

7.       If you prefer, you can start your Masonic journey at the state level, at what is called the Grand Lodge of South Carolina.  It is an  administrative body governing all Lodges in the state of South Carolina. If you would like more information on becoming a Freemason  in South Carolina, please  CLICK HERE.


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